So my homegirl CeCe planned her wedding for this
summer, and I secretly tried to think up at least three crafty reasons why I
couldn’t attend - but she was way ahead of me. Knowing damn well how I feel
about weddings, she assured me that (a) I didn’t have to be in it, (b) didn’t
have to stay all night, and (c) there would be Russian cuisine and a full bar, so
how could I say no to any of that? Plus, I kind of dig experiencing new cultural
extravaganzas, and this would be my first official Russian Jewish wedding.
So after months of waffling around, I decided at the very last minute to
go ahead and make an appearance.
Main problem: Wardrobe. Most of my non-work gear consists of
ripped jeans, t-shirts, bohemian style maxi dresses, and general Barfly attire. Since I hadn’t shopped for an outfit, I lifted some virginal white
frock looking type dress from my closet, and paired it with nude Steve Madden
wedge sandals. Threw in a matching clutch, and good enough. I also decided to
bring out my inner sophisticate, and smoothed down my hair and attached one of
those princess looking bun things on top of my dome, instead of rocking my usual
wild-girl-on-the-loose curls. Put on a nice string of pearls with matching
earrings, and gave myself a nod of approval as I headed to the car.
As I made my way to the door, my 23 year old son/roommate
rushes in, looking concerned.
“MOM, okay tell me, what happened.” He sounded very
distressed. “Did somebody DIE?”
I turn to glare at him. I’ve raised dude to always
compliment a woman’s appearance, especially when it’s clear she’s made a little
effort. Here I am trying to get fancy for a wedding, and he thinks I’m dressed
to go see a corpse.
“No one DIED, son” I sigh heavily. “I’m headed to Cece’s
wedding. I’m trying to look…calm. Conservative!”
“Oh, ok,” he goes. “You just look like one of those stiff southern
ladies who spend all their time in church. That’s all,” he shrugs. “You
look nice though. Regular,” he says
while walking back to his room.
I drive to the wedding and think, I look regular, I look regular….what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
I got there extra early. Because, stereotypes. The
photographer snapped a few candid shots while CeCe and I fawned over each other. It
was only when CeCe forwarded me the pictures a month later, that I realized I did look like a stiff southern lady who
spent all her time in church. (Hit me up privately for pics, they’re hella embarrassing)
And furthermore, everyone was wearing BLACK. I didn’t know people wore black to
weddings. Was it a cultural thing? I was later informed that
(a) one shouldn’t wear white to a wedding even if it is in the middle of summer,
because it’s seen as rude toward the bride, and (b) when an event takes place
after 6pm (which this one did), it is general etiquette to wear black. So here
I am, the only brown girl in the place, wearing the only white dress in the
place. Yeah, I’m sure I didn’t stand out AT ALL.
I was seated next to a few friends of CeCe’s – a cool couple
from Texas, and we shot the casual shit before the wedding began. The three of
us hit it off really well, because we all liked to say fuck a lot. We vowed to sit
together at the same reception table, because fuck all the careful planning and
seating arrangements made months ahead of time - we were gonna make it happen. Our group would later be remembered as The Crazies at
Table 9. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
The ceremony was traditional. Very lovely, very quick. The
Chuppah, the signing of the marriage contract, breaking of the glass, all
completed within thirty minutes. Now that’s my kind of ceremony.
And then, the Mazel tov-ing began.
And then, the Mazel tov-ing began.
Everyone was guided toward the lavishly stocked open bar,
while the reception tables were being set up. A live band and DJ started
playing and spinning. There was a great vibe, everyone made their rounds and introductions,
we were all smiling and laughing and getting tipsy. The beautiful bride
appeared and declared “No one eats until we’re all drunk!” So after about
four rounds of Chardonnay, we are all escorted to our tables.
Among my group was
the cool Texas couple from earlier, a guy named Chad and his date, and few
other randoms, and another couple made up of a very easy going Filipina chick
(Divina), and her very boisterous Ukranian husband (Max.)
Max, it turns out, was a boss. He immediately waved over a
server and questioned why there was only one (very tall) bottle of Grey Goose
at the table. Russian tradition is that we ALL have a personal bottle to drink
from, he says. I let out a somewhat sophisticated sounding laugh, and let Max
know that hey, I could drink wine until the cows come home, but not shots. Shots of any kind usually end up with me becoming very goofy or very
aggressive, and overall just very messy. Tonight was to be my refined,
conservative, regular persona…
“TONIGHT,” Max bellowed, “YOU DO SHOTS. WE ALL DO SHOTS,” he commanded, and jumped up to take a long slug from his bottle. And I said, oh okay, and everyone shouted MAZEL!, and the entire table threw back the first round right then. Because, peer pressure, in a thick Ukranian accent.
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The beginning of dinner |
“TONIGHT,” Max bellowed, “YOU DO SHOTS. WE ALL DO SHOTS,” he commanded, and jumped up to take a long slug from his bottle. And I said, oh okay, and everyone shouted MAZEL!, and the entire table threw back the first round right then. Because, peer pressure, in a thick Ukranian accent.
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The spread |
Next thing I know, we're all on the dance
floor. The bride and groom are engaged in the Horah, and then other people start
Horah-ing for the hell of it. Some were unsuccessful, and when they fell out of
the chair and hit the floor, they basically started doing rhythm-less forms
of drunk break dancing. I salsa danced with a 90 year old man in a walker, while
people egged us on. Very emotional men interrupted the music to cry out tributes
and recite poetry from the Old Country. The band belted out Michael Jackson’s “Rock
With You,” complete with Russian lyrics. Some dude was grooving on the dance
floor in his tuxedo shirt, tie, socks, shoes, and underwear. NO PANTS. We never
found out what happened to his pants. Texas couple secured a corner and dry
humped each other for the rest of the night. Max partied so hard he accidentally stepped on his wife’s
foot and broke her ankle.
After six hours of hardcore partying with The Russians,
it was clear I couldn’t drive. I could barely make it back and forth to the
ladies room. But knowing myself and tendencies, earlier in the evening I’d sent
a text to an Ex, letting him know I was in his neck of the woods for a wedding,
and would give him a call once done. And anyone who knows me, knows that’s
code for head’s up, I’ll probably be
sloshed in a few hours and will need you to pick me up so I can crash at your
place tonight.
So I ring up said Ex, and slur into my cell phone: “Hey, want
to come up here for a drink or two? You’re totally invited…” He shows up in
twenty minutes, sternly eyeing me and shaking his head. “What’s up with this
dress?” he asks. “You look like a fancy napkin..” I tell him to shut up and pull
him into the party mix, introduce him around.
“Hey everybody, this is my Ex. He’s not getting any ass
tonight, I just needed a ride….” Roars of laughter
erupt, and soon enough Ex and Max begin shotting, for who knows how long. I was
napping on a bar stool when Ex tapped me on the shoulder, and led me to the
valet. I fell asleep in the car.
“Good lord, I’m gonna be sick,” I say, two steps inside his
doorway. “Have any Pelligino?” He says no, but goes to fetch me a Ginger Ale
instead. I hate Ginger Ale. He knows I hate Ginger Ale. Ginger Ale makes me
sick, even when un-intoxicated. “Just drink some,” he hands it to me, all
pushy like. I sing, “oookaayy” and take a few sips, then promptly
upchuck all over his hardwood floor. And this WAS ALWAYS
OUR PROBLEM. Him always thinking he knew what was best for me, and always being
totally WRONG.
I head to the bathroom in silence. Peel out of my STUPID
DRESS, brush teeth, and climb into his bed in my bra and panties. As I
floated off to sleep, I heard Ex making sounds in the kitchen, readying to
clean up the mess I left on his floor, one could only assume. I’m pretty sure
he slept on the couch.
When I woke up, there was a bottle of Perrier next to me
on the nightstand. (Awww.) (But see – stubborn. Because, didn’t I ask for a Pelligrino?) We
lightly fussed about the others annoying ways, while I got dressed so he could drive me back to my car. He dropped me off, eager to go for his morning run. I couldn’t
wait to get home, destroy my dress, and snatch the bun off my head.
Almost a
week later I sent a simple text to Ex: Thanks for the Ginger Ale. xoxo
I even documented the whole thing when I posted this:
I even documented the whole thing when I posted this:
When recounting the wedding story to one of my friends,
especially the fiasco resulting after too many vodka shots, he calmly
summarized that THIS IS WHY WE SANCTION THE RUSSIANS. (Very clever, You.)
And since then, Ex has been blowing up my cell, inquiring when we can grab some dinner. Like, blowing me up non-stop. All this, even after I
used him for a ride and a crash spot and vomited
on his floor. Since when did being a
drunk mess start being a turn on?
Ladies, are we on to something here?